Thursday, 22 December 2011

Yesterday's news :Outfit numero #23

Hello lovlies!
This is what I wore yesterday, I am posting this one instead because I am wearing my usual levi shorts and the crazy metallic tshirt I purchased from the charity shop.

I have been feeling less christmassy because of the weather. It is a rather huge disapointment that there was snow over a week ago which lasted ONE DAY, then the rain slushed it all away.
I am still wishing for a white christmas though!

Today, I went to the candle factory and it was so lovely diving back in the dark amongst all the trees through country lanes and with houses in the middle-of-nowhere being compleetly over the top with wonderful, dazzling lights and decorations!

I shall be hopefully having a lovely lazy day in tomorrow watching lots of christmas films and drinking a ridiculous amount of tea or hot cocoa to get in the festive spirit. That or pop into town to buy the last few of bits 'n' bobs for my family.

Hope you had a lovely day!


joy said...

awww too bad of the bad weather :( Your outfit is lovely though. I rally like your pants.

Alice McGenniss-Destro said...

your shoes look pretty rad too we need a close up of them! enjoy christmas :) x

Erika said...

cute outfit!
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My Free Choice

There is Ceramic bow-tie Giveaway on my blog I wait u!

yiqin; said...

lovely bag! Have a good christmas <3